Breakout Long Melford

Awards the hidden benefits and costs of being recognised as an award winner!

Uncover the secrets to elevating your business through awards. This week we delve into the why and how of applying for awards, revealing the process and exploring both free and paid opportunities that may come your way.

Learn the significance of awards can have for your business and the strategic differences between free and paid nominations.

Join Farley as she guides us through the experience Breakout have had having been nominated for a range of different awards.

From nominated and voted for, to panel judged or basically paid for PR. This episode will  help you to choose the right awards you want to pursue to boost your business profile, attract customers, and paint your world with rainbows and unicorns.

As mentioned in this episode, here are two examples of awards for Breakout and the linked promotion it generated in the local news:

Co-working Business of the Year in London and the South-East of England Winner  Prestige Awards –

Winner of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Councils’ Innovation Awards –

Remember, if you are keen to discuss an award you have been nominated for, how to promote it or apply for awards to help your business grow, be sure to contact Breakout on social media, by dropping in or giving us a call. 

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