Breakout Long Melford

Where’s best to market my business

In this Bitesize episode we cover the question on business owners mind, where should I market my business?

Well, the simple answer is, it depends… But, the best answer we can give you, without having a better understanding of what you do, is to ….

Market where your target market are spending their time. 

Remember, you don’t have to be on every platform, if your ideal customer is an older demographic who don’t use technology, consider advertising in your local parish newsletter. If your customers are younger, always looking for information through video, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok would be a better fit. 

We hope this has helped you to begin to work out where to spend your time and energy when attracting new clients, if you need support remember to become a Bestie where you can have us answer questions just like this, as and when you have them. Or as ever, give us a call or pop into Breakout to speak to us in person. 

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